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Some Handy Tips for Office Cleaning
04 November 2014
Some Handy Tips for Office CleaningKeeping your office space clean is vital for many reasons. First, a company’s professional appearance can be a make-or-break factor for a customer deciding whether or not to do business with you. If the office space is messy, it gives the impression that the company does not pay attention to the finer details, is disorganised and careless. This may be a case where this could not be further from the truth. Yet in the business world, first impressions last and are important in creating new contacts and deals.Another key reason for keeping your office space clean is to keep employees efficient and effective in their approach to their work. If papers are piled up and the environment is dirty, it will create an unpleasant atmosphere that can dampen motivation. A tidy space that is fresh and airy can lighten the ambient and lift heavy moods, making employees feel happier and capable of doing their jobs.Hiring a once a week cleaner and professional agency will ensure the office gets a deep clean weekly. However, during the week, workers can do the office cleaning and organising. Here are some simple office cleaning practices to keep your office organised.Start by getting a large bin bag or rubbish bin. Your aim is to de-clutter the office as much as possible. Start by looking in desks, drawers, filing cabinets and on the tops of tables for old papers, documents, newspapers, leaflets and magazines. This can be made easier if it is done as a collective task so all employees are involved and are responsible for their areas. Magazines or newspapers way past their publication date are normally no longer useful so throw them away. Old documents that are not relevant for current work and are no longer needed, throw them out too. Warning: be very careful when throwing out old documents to make sure they really are old and not relevant. Make sure that everyone follows the same protocol; if in doubt about the relevance of a document, keep it and check later to see if it is needed or not. The idea of this task is to make your office more organised, not to make life complicated when you lose an important contract!Next, organise all relevant papers and notes. A useful way of doing this is document notes chronologically, or into customer portfolios. Whichever strategy works best for your organizational culture, make sure that all documents are recorded that way. It is also important to make sure that employees know the system and everyone follows the same method. After the paper organisation is complete, it’s time to clean. Wipe all computers, their screen, mouse pads and other equipment such as scanners and printers with a damp cloth to remove dust. Next, disinfect telephone mouthpieces to ensure maximum hygiene. Remove coffee stains with a warm, damp cloth and lift any ink stains using a splash of alcohol before wiping it away. Keep the floor clean by either sweeping up the bits or hoovering up the dirt from the carpet, boards or tiles. Lastly, spray some air freshener around to give the place a nice, professional smell and make sure the coffee machine is clean and refilled.During office cleaning, it is common to accumulate a lot of paper and plastics. Be environmentally friendly by gathering these recyclable materials and bundling them together for the recycle services. By leaving recycle bins around the office, it can be a good way to engage the whole team in recycling their rubbish, whilst keeping the office clean and organised at the same time.

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